Wellbeing and Inclusion Team
Wellbeing LeaderAlyce Farrugia is the School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports Leader at Coburg North Primary. Alyce has been at CNPS since 2011 and now works part time. She oversees a team made up for staff from a cross section of the school, to help develop safe, positive and supportive learning cultures across all areas of the school. Alyce manages the positive acknowledgement system used throughout the school, including whole school assemblies. Alyce works with staff to provide professional learning around the Effective Practices for Teaching and Learning for Behaviour. This involves developing explicit lessons targeting social and emotional literacy, refining the consistent and predictable routines that take place in all classrooms at CNPS, promoting the common language of the SWPBS Matrix that is in every classroom and analysing behaviour data to target specific challenges that occur. |
PsychologistWe currently have a part-time educational and developmental psychologist at Coburg North Primary School, Eva Andropof. Eva’s role includes cognitive and educational assessments, funding applications, providing consultation and advice to teachers and contributing to whole school prevention, intervention and post-intervention programs that aim to increase students’ wellbeing. Eva also facilitates group interventions regularly throughout the year. Eva currently runs, together with provisional psychologists undertaking their placement at the school, a neuroaffirming social communication group, Kidz Konnect which runs throughout the year. Eva can provide assistance in referring students to appropriate agencies or external supports should that need arise, such as for longer-term support. |