Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan
Strategic Plan
A strategic plan is a 3-4 page document that tells people what the school wants to achieve in the future and how it plans to get there.
The plan lets people know:
- Why our school exists (its purpose).
- How staff and students are expected to behave (the values).
- What is different or special about our school (the context).
- What we are going to focus on over the next four years to improve students’ experience at school (the goals and targets), and how the school is going to do this (key improvement strategies).
- What actions we will undertake to implement our key improvement strategies and the milestones that will be used to identify progress in their implementation.
Our current School Strategic Plan (2020-2024) holds the following goals and key improvement strategies:
Goal One: Improve literacy and numeracy outcomes for all students.
Key Improvement Strategies:
a. Develop a documented ‘Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum’ that is monitored.
b. Implement, monitor, and evaluate the impact of data-informed and evidence informed teaching and learning practice(s)
c. Embed Professional Learning Communities across the school.
Goal Two: Improve student engagement in learning.
Key Improvement Strategies:
a. Embed consistent planning, teaching, and assessment processes to deepen learning through an inquiry approach.
b. Empower students to activate voice, agency, and leadership.
c. Embed the breadth and depth of the Victorian Curriculum to ensure a challenging differentiated program.
Goal Three: Improve student wellbeing for learning.
Key Improvement Strategies:
a. Develop and embed a whole school approach to wellbeing and inclusion that enables students to access learning.
b. Empower parents as partners in learning.
Click here for the School Strategic Plan document.
Annual Implementation Plan
In the annual implementation plan (AIP) for improving student outcomes, schools develop a detailed plan encompassing actions, roles, responsibilities, timelines and success criteria for the next 12 months, leading to the achievement of the four-year goals.
Click here for the Annual Implementation Plan document.