CNPS is an accredited eSmart school. We aim for all students to become informed digital citizens, who know how to embrace the best that technology can offer, whilst being safe and responsible online.
Online safety education supports the students’ growing understanding of the risks, opportunities and challenges they may face while accessing different technologies online.
Each year level, from Foundation to Grade 6 participate in a variety of online safety programs, events and classroom activities throughout the school year. Events the students participate in include, Safer Internet Day, Bullying No Way! and National eSmart Week.
Biannually our parents are invited to participate in a parent information evening to keep up-to-date with the latest information on how to keep our children esafe.
CNPS Cyber Bullying Policy
We take cases of cyberbullying very seriously at Coburg North Primary School. We have a detailed policy that identifies our vision and actions to ensure no student is cyber bullied at school. Please find follow this link to our policies page.
eSafety Parents |