History of the OSHC Program
The Coburg North Primary School OSHC was established in 1989 with the help of the then Coburg Council. The Council recognised the need for care of children for the working parents. Part of the agreement was that council would supply a bus to service the other schools within the area. Coburg North Primary School was the first school in the Coburg area offering before care and aftercare to other schools within the Council boundaries. We accommodated around 12 schools.
Our license in 1989 was for 45 children in the afternoons and 30 for the mornings. In recent times the program has grown exponentially, now having a licence for 200 students for both Before and Aftercare.
At the commencement of the program two staff were employed and this went for many years. As some of the other schools opened up their own programs our number’s decreased so for a while we ran the before care program as a single model service.
In 1995, the National Standards for Outside School Hours Care was introduced by the Australian Government to represent the baseline standards for the provision of childcare for primary school age children.
As time went on, the program continued to grow and we adhered to the National Standards for Outside School Hours, the number of staff was increased to comply with the 1:15 staff to child ratio and staff were encouraged to gain relevant qualification.
In 2003 the program registered to participate in the National Childcare Accreditation Council, and began working towards the standards required for accreditation the first time.
In February 2007 CNPS OSHC Service was validated, and met the quality standards required for accreditation, receiving a Certificate of Accreditation. We have been assessed again in 2009 and again in 2017 meeting the requirements to maintain an accredited level.
Coburg North Primary OSHC is Australian Government approved, to offer funded places for children to provide education and care during the hours of 7.00am -9.00am and 3.30pm-6.00pm and curriculum days from 7.00am-6.00pm
We allocate funded places in accordance with the Australian Government Priority of Access Guidelines. The OSHC Services is funded by the Australian Government to provide family assistance through the Child Care System and the Childcare Tax Rebate to families which can be found on the MyGov website.
The School Council will ensure that the day-to-day management of the service meets with the requirements set by State and Commonwealth Governments under the direction of the sub-committee made up of school, parents and staff representatives.
The aim of Coburg North Primary School OSHC is to provides an extensive program of play-based and recreational experiences for all children. CNPS OSHC are always endeavouring to bring a wide range of activities many requested by the children.